Photo by StockSnap from Pixabay
The “Ber Months” are upon us again, which means Christmas season has officially arrived. Do your Christmas shopping ahead of time to avoid that dreaded Christmas rush. Here are some tips to help you pick the best and most thoughtful gifts for the people you love most this Christmas Season:
1. Ask them what they want for Christmas.
Although this may not be the most romantic way of gifting, it’s the safest one in terms of gift receiver satisfaction. Simply go up to the person you’d like to give a gift to and ask them what they’d like and get them that.

2. Accompany them on pre-Christmas shopping trips. The easiest way to figure out what to buy for someone (aside from asking them) is to go to the mall and wait for them to say “Oh! This is so cute!” or “Aw! I want this!” Accompanying them on shopping trips cuts through a lot of the sneakiness you need to tiptoe around.

Andreiana Yuvallos is an Editorial Assistant at Familywise Asia. She loves reading, writing, theatre, and baking on the weekends.
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