Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash
Cancer is deadly, no matter what kind, no matter on whom. This is something we all know.
But did you know that men can have breast cancer too?
In this day and age, some people are still unaware of this vital information. This results in one of the following things: denial despite clear symptoms, shame upon finding out, and worst of all, refusal to get help.
The foundation of this myth isn’t completely unfounded, as less than 1% of all Breast Cancer develop in males. So while there is no need to point our fingers to those who are still oblivious to this, there is a strong need to spread knowledge and awareness to everyone around us. Our individual unawareness piles up into a false truth–a misconception that sometimes, is the singular thing that stops people from seeking help.
This is especially relevant in the Philippines, where breast cancer is extremely prevalent. According to a study conducted by the Philippine Cancer Association back in 2015, “Breast cancer is the leading site for both sexes combined (19%) in 2015 and ranks 1st among women (33%).” This means that for the statistics of cancer within the country, breast cancer ranks first.
So as the person reading this, whether you are male or female, young or old, make it your own responsibility to spread awareness about this matter, and make sure to take care of your own body too. Observe your own body and get regular physical check-ups. There’s no such thing as too safe when it comes to matters of our own health.
Follow the precautions from this article to know the signs of breast cancer. For men, this is how you conduct your own BSE (Breast Self Exam):
1. Stand in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your hands on your hips. Rotate the upper side of your body from one side to the other to visualize the perimeter of your breast.
2. Now, raise your hands and look for the same things, gently rotating your body the same way.
3. Now flex your arms towards you, and gently look for the same things, rotating your body.
4. Lie down, and inspect your breasts individually.
5. Inspect your breasts again when they are wet, ideally in the shower.
Your BSE is only the first step to taking an active stance against breast cancer. Remember that you are not alone. A number of men around the globe have experienced breast cancer too and survived. There is, and should absolutely be, no shame in pursuing health in all forms.
Patricia Li is a frequent contributor to Familywise Asia and Workwise Asia. She loves to read and write, and tries to incorporate this in her career.
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