Francis J. Kong is one of the most prominent inspirational speakers in the country and is well-known in almost all industries. From garments to retail to publishing, his name resounds as a sought-after speaker in leadership trainings and business and management consultancies.
He recently gave a talk entitled “Developing A Culture of Personal Excellence”, essentially reminding his audience to master the basics to reach excellence not just in everyday work, but even in parenting. Yes, parenting! Sir Francis is a proud family man and more often than not, would mention and share anecdotes of his family during talks. No wonder you can get nuggets of parenting wisdom during a leadership seminar.
Here are some family and parenting excellence lessons we gathered from listening to Francis Kong:
1. Parents should learn more in order to teach their kids.
Gen Y grew up with technology evolving while Gen Z were practically born into it. These generations are digital natives. Maneuvering a piece of tech doesn’t seem all that difficult to them even those that seem perpetually space age to you. These are the generations that don’t need adults to get information. If so, are you still equipped to teach them?
“How can you teach something you don’t know?”
Sir Francis encourages parents to continue learning and not be boxed by what they have already learned growing up. The world is continually changing that even norms change. What may have been unacceptable several years ago are acceptable these days. What you cannot do before, you can now. Learning these changes are for your personal growth as well. And what better way to keep you equipped in educating your children than by keeping yourself abreast with changes too. Don’t simply turn your back on changes or brush them off as fads. Face them head on and become a lifelong learner, raising the bar of your personal success. As you do this, you develop their excellence in expectancy.

2. Parents should instill in their children helping as a habit
An adult’s personal values are first developed as a child so as parents, show them kindness and model helping out to them. Make it a practice that they help out in the house after a meal. It may sound simple but when you look at life’s bigger picture, it never really is just that. However small your tasks that teach them to help others out, when combined altogether creates a habit, and habit develops commitment. It is their willingness to eventually do so without being told that matters most which ultimately develops their excellence in discipline.
“Habits are more powerful than knowledge.”
3. Let your children experience failure.
It never is a wise move to overindulge your kids. Let them experience loss so as to encourage them to work harder the next time they are given the chance to. Difficult experiences can become golden nuggets of wisdom. From a young age, train them to pursue a goal they have no matter how small it is. As Sir Francis points out, our habits overpower our knowledge.
“The idea is not to escape pain but to make it work for you.”
Slowly let your kids understand that they will have to experience pain as they grow up, and in varying degrees. Sugarcoating life will not do them any good. Instead, teach them to make the pain they experience to work in favor of them. It could be as simple as picking up toys after playtime so nobody would have to step on the Legos again. Cultivate not just their IQ but their EQ as well and develop their excellence in control.

Almira Manduriao does content marketing by profession, works with nonprofits and social enterprises to strengthen their cause, and advocates for the protection of women & children in the country. She travels to collect local paintings, eat whatever’s on the menu, and get lost in crowded train stations.
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