March is coming to a close, which means the summer season is officially about to begin! School is out and so is the sun!
Instead of keeping your kids cooped up with their gadgets at home, develop some of their skills and interests by enrolling them in a summer class or other activities. Here are some ideas for great activities your kids can enjoy this summer.
For sporty kids:
Milo Summer Sports Clinic (for kids of several age groups)
If there’s one summer activity that stands out in the minds of kids and parents alike, it’s the Milo Summer Sports Clinic. Your and your kids can choose from a wide variety of sports that they offer. The sports on the roster this year include badminton, basketball, fencing, chess, gymnastics, karatedo, and more fun and interesting activities.
You can check the schedule here!
Kickstarters PH (for kids 2 – 8 years old)
Football (or soccer) has a great following in the Philippines. Kickstarter is a new program that helps kids as young as two years old to get involved in the sport. Kickstarter also aims to teach not only about playing the sport, but also developing social skills, being positive, and having an active lifestyle.
You can contact them for classes and more information here!
For avid learners:
#JuniorMindMover Program 2019 Summer Edition (4 – 12 years old)
Unleash your child’s science potential with the Mind Museum’s #JuniorMindMover Program this summer! With this program, they get to learn more about the wonderful world around them by learning from the experts themselves! They have three types of classes based on the age group your kid belongs to so they can develop their skills and stoke their scientific curiosity, all while making new friends.
To learn more about this program, you can visit the Mind Museum’s website here!
Consis Summer Learners Lab (for kids 2 and above)
Keep your kids’ learning momentum high throughout the summer season by enrolling them in Consis Summer Learners Lab! They can practice their maths, science, reading, and other necessary skills during the summer break so by the time they get back to school, they’ll be ready to take on new challenges.
If you’d like to learn more about this program, you can visit their website here!
For art enthusiasts:
Atlantis Musical Theatre Workshop (for kids 7 – 12 and teens 13 – 17)
Give your kid the opportunity to bust a move and break out into song with Atlantis Theatrical Entertainment Group’s summer musical theatre workshop for kids and teens! Here, future award-winning actors and singers get to build their talents while learning interpersonal skills that go hand-in-hand with acting and performing. This is a great opportunity to expose your kids to the arts and an even better way of giving them a fun and productive summer!
You can find out more about Atlantis’ summer musical theatre workshop here!
Summer Creative Writing Classes by Write Things (for kids 7 – 15)
Develop your child’s innate knack for telling tales at Write Things’ Young Writers Hangout summer writing program. Kids will learn to channel their imagination and creativity into written works such as stories, poems, and other exciting pieces of literature.
To learn more, visit their website here!
For skill builders:
Kiddie Cooking and Baking Workshop by The Culinary Studio (for kids 5 – 12)

Do you have a budding master chef in your kitchen? Connect your child with their culinary creativity with The Culinary Studio’s Kiddie Cooking and Baking workshop. At the workshop, they’ll be able to learn how to make several different meals from scratch! Best of all, they get to eat their creations and take them home for you moms and dads to enjoy!
If you’d like to find out more, visit their Facebook page here!
McDonald’s Kiddie Crew Workshop

McDonald’s Kiddie Crew is back this 2019! Enroll your kids in the iconic summer program that allows your kids to take a sneak peek into what makes McDonald’s the fun and friendly place that it is known to be! The Kiddie Crew Workshop lets your kids in on what it’s like to work for McDonald’s and be part of their world class team.
To know more about the Kiddie Crew Workshop, you can visit their website here!
Get a head start on the summer vacation for your little ones! Enroll them in one of these classes to hone their social skills and talents. If you’d rather like to supervise their summer activities more and opt to enjoy it at home, here are more ideas to keep your children busy this summer.
Disclaimer: All photos above are from Google Images.

Andreiana Yuvallos is an Editorial Assistant at Familywise Asia. She loves reading, writing, theatre, and baking on the weekends.