It is often said that a child’s education begins at home, and some parents have taken that saying to heart by being hands-on with their children’s education and homeschooling them. But the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed the way students learn. Since they are unable to attend classes in school and spending their time at home, the role of parents in their children’s education has become more important than ever.
This is why more parents have embraced their new roles as parent-teachers to their children and have taken to homeschooling them. However, teaching children at home does come with its own set of challenges. According to Joy Mendoza, an author, and a homeschooling mom, it is important for parent-teachers to make learning fun and engage their children in the learning experience.
First, it is important for parents to determine their ground zero and identify the areas where they believe their children need to grow emotionally, physically, and relationally. Parents should also identify their children’s strengths and weaknesses so far that know where they should start once they homeschool them.
Once parents know their starting point, then they can set goals for their child’s learning. Mendoza says that parents should imagine their child’s growth not just in terms of general knowledge, but also their knowledge in God and knowledge of physical ability.
With a starting point determined and specific goals set, parents can then create a plan, which involves scheduling a routine for children, determining the books that they will need, and buying supplies for them. While there are many subjects and areas that children can learn, Mendoza stresses the importance of focusing on children learning essential skills such as writing, reading comprehension, and problem-solving.
It is also important for parents to remain committed to their roles as teachers and to be the best home educators they can be. This would mean doing research on the part of the parents and forming a connection with other educators. Learning is also a lifestyle, and parents can even use their imagination to make sure that their children learn lessons even when they’re not reading books or answering tests.
According to Mendoza, parents should celebrate their child’s progress and not perfection and affirm progress every time they see it. And finally, throughout their homeschooling, parents should still prioritize their relationship with their children, as the learning process is also a great way for them to strengthen their relationship.
As with any new endeavor, going on a learning journey with their children will also have its share of challenges for parents. But in the end, the benefits of homeschooling far outweigh its risk, as parents can form a bond with their children while also teaching them things that will teach them true success in life and making a difference in this world.
For more homeschooling tips, you can watch episodes of Teach with Joy or visit Plus Network on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.